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Suzhou campus: Workplace well-being summit

Published on 28 April 2018

The second Workplace Well-being Summit took place at SKEMA Business School, Suzhou, Saturday April 14th.

Life coach Olivia Xiao practised with her participants awareness and how to live in the present moment in her workshop about “Mindul Mind, Happy Mind”. 

Even socialising and networking can be scientifically linked to happiness, not only to success. That’s why the Happiness Association’s founder and the summit’s organiser Janine Jakob gave a workshop on “How to Successfully Socialise and Network”. The summit guests directly implemented their new skills at the upcoming coffee and networking break. New friendships were easily built at second Workplace Well-being Summit.

Another highlight was the panel discussion about “Successful and happy?” by Mei Ling Chin, Yanyie Tran, Charles Huang, and the Danish Baking Shifu owner, Lars Pach. Mei Ling Chin, originally from Malaysia, also taught the summit guests how to be effective leaders and influence their workplace in a positive way in her speech about “How Effective Leadership Affects Workplace Well-being”. 

The summit ended with French entrepreneur Aurelien Rigart introducing “The Miracle Morning”, a method he uses to kick off every day well-balanced, happy, well-organised, and with less stress. The Miracle Morning includes exercises to affirmation, visualisation, silence, scribing, etc.

The summit attracted over 100 participants, from university students, to entrepreneurs, professors, business professionals, and even middle school students from Suzhou and Shanghai. The speakers’, workshop leaders’, and artists’ multinational background was as diverse as their work and life experience that they could share with us.

After the official summit, the event was not over yet. The summit guests had the chance to connect further and practise their networking skills at Baidu Ventures Café, but also to enjoy themselves with stand-up comedy with famous Sarah Peng and Conor Di and live music related to happiness with Leda and the Swan.

More happiness was spread, the summit participants got inspired, and learned powerful concepts and exercises to implement in their daily private and work life, in order to become happier, healthier, and more successful.

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