
Une Intelligence Economique et Stratégique pour les PME, PMI et ETI en France

Intelligence économique et stratégique
Système stratégique de signaux précoces
Veille technologique et stratégique
Scénarios dynamiques
Simulation stratégique

2017, Vie & Sciences de l'entreprise, 204(2), pp.164 -179


Following the establishment of the Strategic Information and Economic Security Service (CISSE) in January 2016, and the willingness of the French government to implement another approach concerning Economic Intelligence. It is proposed a simple, complete and practical model so that SMEs, and intermediate sized companies can better understand the message related to the Economic Intelligence and its competitive purpose. This new model of development of Economic and Strategic Intelligence which is a Strategic Early Warning System is based on the strengthening of analysis during the technological and strategic scanning, the modeling of the strategic environment of the company which is used for the creation of dynamic scenarios. The most important scenarios for the company are then played, to simulate the actions of major players in the market. The efficiency of this model is shown for the company Altix, a French high-tech SME and a world leader in the imaging for the Printed Circuit Board sector.