
Intensité de l’investissement privé en R&D dans les pays de l’OCDE. Impact et complémentarité des aides financières à la R&D


2013, Revue Economique, 64(3), pp.541-550


R&D financial support policies have proliferated since the 80’s in the OECD countries. Few studies measure the macroeconomic impact of these policies on private investment in R&D. The objective of this paper is to analyze the individual effect and the internal and external complementarity of direct and indirect financial support for private R&D. Using a database covering 25 OECD countries over the period 1990-2007; our dynamic panel data results show that only indirect support significantly affects the business-funded R&D intensity. If a substitution effect appears between direct and indirect support within a country; a certain complementarity appears between these measures and those implemented by other countries.