Corpo docente

Maximilian RECH

Assistant Professor
Maximilian RECH



Centro de pesquisa

SKEMA Centre for Analytics and Management Science




Analytics Information & Operations

Maximilian Rech is an Assistant Professor & the Scientific Director of the Mastère Spécialisé® Supply Chain & Purchasing Manager at SKEMA Business School in Lille & Paris, France. He is affiliated with the Digitalisation Academy & member of the SKEMA Research Centre for Global Risks & the Research Centre for Analytics & Management Science.

Maximilian specializes in geopolitics & macro-economic cooperation between Europe & Asia. He focuses on the digital transformation of business models & best practices in global supply chain management & procurement.

From 2014 to 2020 Maximilian served as Programme Director & Assistant Professor for International Affairs at ESSCA School of Management, Shanghai. He was the Academic Director of the Campus and led the double degrees MSc in Global Management ‘China-Europe Business’ in cooperation with Antwerp Management School and the MSc in Digital Marketing & Business in cooperation with EFAP École de Communication.

Before that, Maximilian worked as Programme Manager for the Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe from 2009 to 2012 where he implemented the European Union financed ‘Understanding China Programme’ with its China Advisory Council to the European Commission & as Programme Fellow for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from 2008 to 2009 focusing on European security & defence policy.

Maximilian holds an M.A. & a B.A. of European Studies from Maastricht University, The Netherlands, with an international experience at the Institut d’Études Politiques / Sciences Po Grenoble, France. Maximilian is a frequent media commentator & has published with PalgraveMacmillan, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, & Springer Nature, among others.

Master of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Full-time academic positions
Since 2021
Assistant Professor, SKEMA Business School, France
2014 - 2021
Assistant Professor in International Affairs, ESSCA School of Management, China
Other academic affiliations and appointments
Since 2021
Program Director - Mastère Spécialisé Manager de la Chaîne Logistique et Achats, SKEMA Business School, France
2018 - 2021
Academic Director - Doctorate of Business Administration of the Alliance of Belt & Road Business Schools (ABRBS), ESSCA School of Management, China
2016 - 2021
Academic Director - Master of Science 'Digital Marketing & Business', ESSCA School of Management, China
2015 - 2019
Academic Director - Master in Management 'Brand Marketing and Retailing in China', ESSCA School of Management, China
2014 - 2021
Academic Director - Master of Science in Global Management 'China Europe Business', ESSCA School of Management, China
2014 - 2021
Director of studies, ESSCA School of Management, China
Other professional experiences
2009 - 2012
Program Manager, Friends of Europe, Belgium
2008 - 2009
Program Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Belgium
Radio Journalist, Deutsche Welle World Radio, Germany