
SKEMA Alumni: a conference on education and sustainable businesses


Publicado em Setembro 07, 2022


The SKEMA Alumni Matinales are back! On 15 September, a new conference on the theme "What education tomorrow for sustainable companies?" will take place in multiplex, and will bring together several alumni and Marine Hadengue, professor at SKEMA in charge of the Youth Observatory.

​After a keynote by Professor Marine Hadengue, CEO of the Arbour Foundation of Montreal, several SKEMA alumni and executives of major French and European companies will deliver a talk. These include:

  • Marylène Appolonia (SKEMA 2000), HR development manager, Arkopharma (Sophia Antipolis campus)
  • Olivier Dufour (SKEMA 2001), managing director, Page Personnel Belgium (Lille campus)
  • Rami Baitiéh, CEO Carrefour France (Grand Paris campus)
  • Audrey Koenig, CEO Natixis Wealth Management (Grand Paris campus)
  • Aymeric Poizot, global head of investor development - country head France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Fitch Ratings (Grand Paris campus)

The event will end with a question-and-answer session with the audience.


  • 8:30 am: Welcome breakfast
  • 9:00 am: Start of the conference, keynote by Marine Hadengue
  • 9.10 am: Testimonies of leaders and experts
  • 9.50am: Conclusion and questions and answers
  • 10:00 am: End of the event


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