
Jérémy Prats

Masters of Science (MSc)
Jérémy Prats
After experiences working in banking finance, audit and M&A, I wanted to formalise the knowledge I had gained by doing this MSc. The programme started by a quick, but necessary, review of the basics of corporate finance and then went deeper and deeper into the financial techniques (both quantitative and qualitative). The proportion of personal versus teamwork was well balanced and the workload outside class was manageable. Courses were relevant and teachers were competent, available and highly involved. On a personal perspective, the master gave me the key competences to work in M&A, competences such as valuation techniques or qualitative analysis of mergers. I started a position within an M&A advisory firm, Greenlight Partners, right after the end of the MSc. I am in charge of the analysis and the documentation production related to merger and acquisitions transactions.

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