Loudji Zahiri
Doing the international partner track allowed me to gain an internationally recognised double degree from France and the USA. This degree is tailored for people that want to be internationally mobile, improve their English, learn in small classes, and develop in a culturally enriching environment. The network of alumni is big and welcoming. You will always find alumni who are willing to give you tips and share their experience with you. This has assisted in getting internships. I’ve had quite a few jobs during my studies: at the Conrad Miami assisting the marketing manager. I was marketing coodinator for WTDC, a full service logistics company. I also worked for Panalpina, a leading global freight forwarding company as sales support. Next week, I will be starting an internship in London for a recruitment organisation for commodity trading related activities before starting returning to studies at the end of summer. In September, I will start an MSc in Shipping, Trade and Finance in one of London’s top universities. I firmly believe that SKEMA prepared me well to tackle this new challenge.