14 Nov 2024


Séminaire CAMS - Angel Ruiz (Université de Laval, Québec)

France : Campus Grand Paris
Campus Grand Paris
Faculté et recherche
SKEMA Centre for Analytics and Management Science

Patient Transport 

Lieu : Campus Grand Paris 
Heure : 14h15-16h00
Intervenant :Angel Ruiz (Université de Laval, Québec)

Résumé : Patient transport plays a crucial role in modern healthcare systems. It ensures that patients receive the necessary care in a timely manner, whether it involves transfers between facilities for specialized treatments or trips to emergency care centers. An efficient transport system reduces treatment delays, improves survival rates, and ensures better continuity of care. Additionally, it is essential for rural or remote populations, providing them with equitable access to healthcare services.
This presentation will first address intra-hospital patient transport, a relatively underexplored issue in the literature. It will introduce the problem, formalize it, and then propose approaches for real-time management of transport requests. Next, the presentation will explore potential synergies between inter-hospital patient transport (or planned transport) and emergency transport, examining how the shared use of vehicles from these two fleets, traditionally operated independently, could be optimized.

Biographie : Angel Ruiz, Ph.D., is a full professor at the Faculty of business administration, Université Laval, in Canada. He earned his doctoral degree in control systems at the University of Technology of Compiegne, France. He is a member of the Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks, Logistics, and Transportation (CIRRELT). His main research interests are operations research applied to healthcare systems and emergency logistics management. He has studied diverse topics such as the development of decision support tools for waiting lists management and patient prioritization, the design of logistics plans for the control of contagious or non-contagious diseases, the transportation of patients and the management of emergency medical services among others, and has contributed to other applied problems on healthcare logistics including the transportation and supply of goods, and the optimization of logistics processes such as surgery or homecare activities.

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