Fil d'Ariane Accueil Corps professoral Corps professoral Romulo ALVES Professeur assistant Finance durable, Gouvernance d'entreprise, Finance d'entreprise Télécharger le CV Image Académie Innovation Centre de recherche Finance & Accounting Insights on Risk and Regulation Localisation Paris Discipline Finance Carrière Publications Précédent Suivant Formation 2021 Ph.D. en Finance, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Pays-Bas 2016 MSc in Finance and Investments, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Pays-Bas 2016 MSc in Economics, Tinbergen Institute - Erasmus Universiteit, Pays-Bas 2013 B.Sc. in Business, Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal Expérience professionnelle Positions académiques principales Depuis 2021 Professeur assistant, SKEMA Business School, France Autres affiliations académiques 2016 - 2021 PhD Candidate, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Pays-Bas Contrats de recherche, prix et distinctions Prix et distinctions 2020 Talent Grant for outstanding PhD candidates, RSM / ERIM 2020 Best Paper Award, PhD Seminar Series, Erasmus Universiteit, Pays-Bas 2019 Best Paper Award on Derivatives, Finance Forum Contrats de recherche 2021 Bourse de recherche sur l'investissement durable 2020 Hermès Kring Londen Fonds Grant, London Business School, Royaume Uni Présentations dans des conférences ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: American Economic Association PhD Poster Session. Chicago. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: French Finance Association International Conference. Virtual. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting. Virtual. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Royal Economic Society Annual Meeting. Virtual. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Shanghai-Edinburgh Green Finance Conference. Shanghai. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2020). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: American Finance Association Annual Meeting Poster Session. San Diego. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Econometric Society European Winter Meeting. Nottingham. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: European Economic Association Annual Meeting. Rotterdam. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: European Finance Association Annual Meeting PhD Poster. Helsinki. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance PhD Day. New York. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: SDU Finance Workshop. Odense. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Finance Forum PhD Consortium. Lisbon. ALVES, R. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: Commodity & Energy Markets Association Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh. ALVES, R. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: European Economic Association Annual Meeting. Manchester. ALVES, R. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: European Economics and Finance Society Annual Meeting. Genoa. ALVES, R. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: 27th Finance Forum. Madrid. ALVES, R. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: Applied Economics Meeting. Cartagena. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific. Hong Kong. Présentations dans des séminaires de recherche ALVES, R., KRUEGER, P. et VAN DIJK, M. (2024). Drawing Up the Bill: Are ESG Ratings Related to Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: Tilburg University Seminar. ALVES, R., KRUEGER, P. et VAN DIJK, M. (2023). Drawing Up the Bill: Are ESG Ratings Related to Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: Dutch Banking Association Seminar. ALVES, R., KRUEGER, P. et VAN DIJK, M. (2023). Drawing Up the Bill: Are ESG Ratings Related to Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: Erasmus University Seminar. ALVES, R., KRUEGER, P. et VAN DIJK, M. (2023). Drawing Up the Bill: Are ESG Ratings Related to Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: Jakarta State University Seminar. ALVES, R., KRUEGER, P. et VAN DIJK, M. (2023). Drawing Up the Bill: Are ESG Ratings Related to Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: Manchester Business School Seminar. ALVES, R., KRUEGER, P. et VAN DIJK, M. (2023). Drawing Up the Bill: Are ESG Ratings Related to Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: PGGM Seminar. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Bank of Portugal Seminar. Lisbon. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: London Business School PhD Seminar. London. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Benelux Corporate Finance Network Research Seminar. Paris. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: KU Leuven Seminar. Leuven. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: European Financial Management Association (PhD Workshop). Virtual. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Paris Dauphine University Seminar. Paris. ALVES, R., VAN DIJK, M. et KRUEGER, P. (2021). Drawing Up The Bill: Does Sustainable Investing Affect Stock Returns Around the World? Dans: Manchester Business School Seminar. Manchester. ALVES, R. (2021). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: SKEMA Business School Seminar. Paris. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Northern Finance Association PhD Symposium. Banff. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Pompeu Fabra University Seminar. Barcelona. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Corporate Finance Day. Liege. ALVES, R. (2020). Social Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Dans: Erasmus University PhD Seminar. Rotterdam. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop. Frankfurt. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2019). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: Commodity Market Winter Workshop. Hannover. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2018). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: RSM/Erasmus PhD Day. Rotterdam. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2018). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: Erasmus Finance Day. Rotterdam. ALVES, R. et SZYMANOWSKA, M. (2017). The Information Content of Commodity Futures Markets. Dans: RSM/Erasmus PhD Day. Rotterdam.