
Do the shareholders take into account the eco-efficiency factor? Evidence from M&A announcement


2020, Bankers, Markets & Investors, 156(1), pp.2-18


The paper explores some evidence suggesting that company shareholders can consider an eco-efficiency factor, as a valuable driver for sustainable performance. To look at it, we analyze the acquisition valuation of high environmental performance firms. We expect them to be associated with superior cumulative abnormal returns (CAR). This study computes industry-adjusted eco-efficiency scores at the firm level, using carbon emission data from the Carbon Disclosure Project for a worldwide sample from 2006 to 2010. The results show that eco-efficiency is positively associated with higher acquirer CAR, even after controlling for acquirer and deal characteristics. We get a range of clues that financial markets reward efforts by firms to reduce their carbon emissions and enhance their eco-efficiency. The results support the intuition that eco-efficient acquirers benefit from competitive advantages that strengthen their negotiating position relative to their target, creating opportunities to increase value around the deal announcement.