
Important classes of reactions for the proactive and reactive resource-constrained project scheduling problem.

Proactive and reactive RCPSP
Stochastic durations
Buffer-based reactions
Proactive and reactive policies
Erik Demeulemeester

2019, Annals of Operations Research, 274, pp.187-210


The proactive and reactive resource-constrained project scheduling problem (PR-RCPSP), that has been introduced recently (Davari and Demeulemeester, 2017), deals with activity duration uncertainty in a very unique way. The optimal solution to an instance of the PR-RCPSP is a proactive and reactive policy (PR-policy) that is a combination of a baseline schedule and a set of required transitions (reactions). In this research, we introduce two interesting classes of reactions, namely the class of selection-based reactions and the class of buffer-based reactions, the latter in fact being a subset of the class of selection-based reactions. We also discuss the theoretical relevance of these two classes of reactions. We run some computational results and report the contributions of the selection-based reactions and the buffer-based reactions in the optimal solution. The results suggest that although both selection-based reactions and buffer-based reactions contribute largely in the construction of the optimal PR-policy, the contribution of the buffer-based reactions is of much greater importance. These results also indicate that the contributions of non-selection-based reactions (reactions that are not selection-based) and selection-but-not-buffer-based reactions (selection-based reactions that are not buffer-based) are very limited.