
Indicações para a gestão da qualidade em serviços turísticos para consumidores da terceira idade: uma análise qualitativa com a interface Panteon

Gustavo Motta ,

2007, Caderno Virtual de Turismo, 7, pp.52-62


This article aims at presenting the result of a focus group research conducted with a group of mature consumers about their perception in relation to the aspects involved in the evaluation of quality in tourist services. The model used was the Conceptual Model of Service Quality by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry, which consists of five categories (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy), in order to identify the desirable attributes for such a group of consumers and to propose an instrument for the evaluation of service quality in tourism, based on the Servqual scale. Such model was explored by means of group discussions, whose data was transcribed and fed into the online databank of the web-based Panteon System for Qualitative Analysis. Three dimensions appeared as relevant in this process: human resources, infrastructure of the destination and the products that are part of the tourism package. As an innovative element in this approach, readers of this article are invited to access the Panteon interface online and conduct their own analyses using the data collected during the focus group experience.