
Materialism: the good, the bad, and the ugly

L. J. Shrum ,
Tina M. Lowrey ,
Mario Pandelaere ,
Ayalla Ruvio ,
Elodie Gentina ,

2014, Journal of Marketing Management, 30(17-18), pp.1858-1881


Materialism has a generally held connotation that is associated with character deficiencies, self-centeredness, and unhappiness, and most extant research views materialism as having a negative influence on well-being. In this article, we review and synthesise research that supports both positive and negative outcomes of behaviours associated with materialism. We conceptualise materialism in terms of the motives underlying materialistic behaviour, and situate our review and synthesis of materialism research within this context. In doing so, we document the utility of a motives-based view of materialism and propose research agendas that arise from this motives-based perspective.