
Raj Ravi Upreti

Masters of Science (MSc)

I recommend the 2-year MSc programme at SKEMA Business School to anyone looking to transition and advance their career.

Photo of Rajravi Upreti

"I am a Two-Year MSc student in Business Consulting and Decision Intelligence student. As for me, an extensive year-one curriculum covering different fields like business strategy, finance, marketing, communications, excel, python, etc., has helped with my transition by leveraging my engineering background to gain insightful knowledge about business and management. Combining the well-rounded curriculum with projects and marketing simulation games, like StratX, has made it a fun team-building year that just breezed by and delivered me with the skills, cross-cultural experiences, and knowledge. As an international student with minimal understanding of business, management, and administration, I recommend the 2-year MSc programme at SKEMA Business School to anyone looking to transition and advance their career."

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