
Emeric Delalandre

Masters of Science (MSc)
I learned a lot through the luxury expertise on this MSc, met very special business people, worked with creative minds. I joined Apple on a permanent contract at the end of my studies. I then co-founded a company, called Hegid, innovating in the luxury watchmaking industry. Hegid also develops disruptive web technologies. I am the CMO and COO at Hegid.

Derniers témoignages

  • Témoignage

    MSc Global Luxury and Management

    Alessandro Campili


    Le MSc Global Luxury Management à SKEMA a été une expérience transformative qui m’a préparé...

  • Témoignage

    MSc Global Luxury and Management

    Clément Raymond


    Un tremplin puissant vers l'industrie du luxe

  • Témoignage

    MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation​

    Blandine Mille


    MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation​ un champ de possibilités