
Emilie Quillet

Emilie Quillet

I joined SKEMA’s BBA in 2019 and have recently completed my first year. It’s been an enriching experience, both socially and intellectually. It has already taught me valuable skills for business and it has also offered me the chance to view the world from a different angle by constantly challenging preconceived ideas.  This year, I’ve realised that SKEMA truly represents a pathway to new international horizons. It is a place where ambitions are born, nurtured, guided, and made tangible. Next year, I hope to specialise in finance and do the double-degree mobility track and attend a partner university in the United States.

Derniers témoignages

  • Témoignage

    MSc Entrepreneurship, Technology and Startup Management

    Meritxell Tronc


    Mon expérience à l'UC Berkeley a été extrêmement enrichissante, non seulement en termes de connaissances...

  • Témoignage

    MSc Project Management for Business Development

    Stella Metallidou


    Mon année à SKEMA Business School dans le programme PMBD a été une expérience inestimable.

  • Témoignage

    MSc Project Management for Business Development

    Yixuan Gao


    Mon expérience dans le programme PMBD à SKEMA a été véritablement déterminante pour moi !