
Jean De Bonnières

Masters of Science (MSc)
Jean De Bonnières
Class of 2019-20   "After a gap year working in M&A with an internship in France and one in Germany, I joined the MSc Corporate Financial Management. I am fully satisfied with this master. Indeed, the subjects covered in the course are broad and mix the technical and theoretical aspects well. As a result, the master gave us a good overview of the financial sector and strong technical skills.   I will now start an end-of-studies internship in the Strategy and Mergers and Acquisitions department of a worldwide pharmaceutical company owned by Eurazeo investment fund.

Derniers témoignages

  • Témoignage

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    MSc Global Luxury and Management

    Clément Raymond


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  • Témoignage

    MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation​

    Blandine Mille


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