

MSc International Marketing & Business Development


Informations pratiques

Type de programme

Temps plein


1 ou 2 ans

Frais de scolarité

18 000€ pour le MSc 1 an / 35 000€ pour le MSc en 2 ans


Belo Horizonte (Brésil), Lille (France), Paris (France), Raleigh (États-unis), Sophia Antipolis (France), Suzhou (Chine)



Date d'entrée

Septembre, Janvier

Niveau d'admission

Bac+3, Bac+4



Loge France Compétence RNCP

Présentation du programme

Ce MSc a été conçu pour répondre aux besoins en constante évolution des entreprises et pour fournir une expertise différenciée grâce à des compétences complémentaires en marketing et en développement commercial. Cette formation est unique, proposant une approche à double compétence qui parle aux recruteurs, qu'il s'agisse de startups ou de grandes entreprises, quel que soit le secteur d'activité. ​​​

En développant un profil bien équilibré qui combine de solides compétences en marketing, un sens aigu du développement commercial et un degré de spécialisation, ce master ouvre la voie à un éventail de carrières dans le marketing, les ventes et le développement commercial dans différents secteurs

    • 1 ou 2 ans de formation dont 4 à 6 mois de stage et thèse
    • Le programme incite les étudiants à avoir de nouvelles idées et à les mettre en applications, les préparant ainsi à évoluer dans un monde global
    • Grâce aux choix d’options, des cours, des projets et le stage, les étudiants sont en mesure d'adapter au mieux leur profil et de se différencier
    • Le programme entretient des liens étroits avec des entreprises à la recherche de candidats capables de combiner l'analyse marketing avec un intérêt pour les ventes et développement des affaires et surtout une conscience des enjeux stratégiques
    • Enseigné sur cinq campus différents, le programme s'intéresse et intègre les spécificités locales : le tourisme, luxe et la haute-technologie à Sophia-Antipolis, le marketing direct et de vente à distance à Lille...

Contenu du programme


Semester 1

  • International Business Development, 3 credits
  • Strategic Brand Management, 4 credits
  • Marketing Research, 3 credits
  • New Business from Idea to Market, 3 credits
  • Career Management 1, 0 credit

Semester 2

  • Understanding the Elusive Consumer, 4 credits
  • Product Management & Operational Marketing, 3 credits
  • Business Development & Sales + Sales Challenge, 3 credits
  • Career Management 2, 1 credit

This master aims to understand the synergies between sales, marketing and product strategies.

Key competences: data analysis, international business strategy, strategic marketing, communication and presentation skills, sustainable marketing

DISSERTATION (all students/all campuses)

  • Master thesis in binoma, 18credits



  • Autumn semester electives (Sept - Dec): choose four

    • Managing in International Contexts, 2 credits
    • Panel Data Analysis, 2 credits
    • Perfect Pitch, 2 credits​
    • Research Methods, 2 credits
    • Sustainable Marketing & Communication, 2 credits
    • Company Challenge, 2 credits
    • AI & Data Analytics, 2 credits
    • Digital Growth, 2 credits

    Spring semester electives (Jan - April): choose five

    • Google Tools and Sem, 2 credits
    • Instagram and Social Media in the Luxury Industry, 2 credits
    • Facebook and Instagram Certification, 2 credits
    • Digital Marketing, 2 credits
    • Ux Design and Usability, 2 credits
    • Photoshop, 2 credits
    • Business Intelligence with Data Mining, 2 credits
    • Sales Challenge (mandatory elective), 2 credits
    • Negotiation, 2 credits
    • Trade Marketing and Category Management, 2 credits
  • Autumn semester electives (Sept - Dec): choose two

    • B2B Marketing 2 Managing Multicultural Teams, 2 credits
    • UX Design & Usability, 2 credits
    • From Idea to Fundraising, 2 credits
    • Photoshop (Graphic design), 2 credits
    • Persuasive Leadership in a Millennial World, 2 credits
    • PR Strategy, 2 credits

    Specialisation core (mandatory)

    • Digital Growth (growth hacking), 2 credits
    • AI & Data Analytics; 2 credits

    Spring semester electives (Jan - April): choose three

    • Sales Challenge, 2 credits
    • Advanced Sales Tech, 2 credits
    • Perfect Pitch, 2 credits
    • Meta Certification (FB & Instagram), 2 credits
    • Day in the Life in an Agency, 2 credits
    • Business Intelligence with Data Mining and Spreadsheets, 2 credits
    • Power of Communication 2 Advanced xls for Marketing, 0 credit

    Specialisation core (mandatory)

    • Sustainable Marketing and Communication, 2 credits
    • Competitve Intelligence for International Business Development, 2 credits​​​​
  • Autumn semester electives (Sept - Dec):  choose four

    • Using LEGO Serious Play to Enhance Creativity, 2 credits
    • Perfect Pitch, 2 credits
    • Introduction to Photoshop, 2 credits
    • E-commerce, 2 credits
    • Company Project, 2 crediits
    • Company Challenge, 2 credits
    • Research Methods (recommended for dissertation writing), 2 credits
    • UX Design and Usability, 2 credits
    • AI and Data Analytics, 2 credits
    • Motivation & Well-being at Work, 2 credits
    • Sustainable Design, 2 credits
    • Understanding Luxury Dynamics, 2 credits
    • Luxury Market Trends and Sustainability, 2 credits

    Spring semester electives (Jan - April): choose five

    • Social Network Marketing, 2 credits
    • Using CRM with, 2 credits
    • Digital Growth, 2 credits
    • Big Data and Analytics, 2 credits
    • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Power BI, 2 credits
    • Trends, Innovation and Competition in the Perfume Business, 2 credits
    • Using SPSS for Market Analysis, 2 credits
    • Competitive Intelligence for International Business Development, 2 credits
    • Using Excel for Business Developers, 2 credits
      Company project

    Company Challenge, 2 credits

    • L'Oréal Brandstorm Challenge, 2 credits
    • Facebook and Instagram Certification, 2 credits
    • Leadership & Culture, 2 credits
    • Mystery shopping, 2 credits
  • Sept - Dec semester electives: choose four

    • E-Commerce & E-Retail - Two Complementary
    • Channels for Digital Growth, 2 credits
    • Communication and Engagement in an Emerging Country, 2 credits
    • Marketing Analytics, 2 credits
    • Google Tools and Sem, 2 credits
    • AI & Data Analytics, 2 credits
    • Optional Portuguese

    Jan - April semester electives: choose five​

    • Communication and Engagement in an Emerging Society, 2 credits
    • Meta Certification (FB & Instagram), 2 credits
    • Marketing and Conscious Capitalism, 2 credits
    • New Business Models for Underexplored Segments, 2 credits
    • Strategic Marketing Business Game, 2 credits
    • Services and Customer Experience Management, 2 credits
    • Optional Portuguese

    When the first semester has been done on the Belo Horizonte campus, the student who has achieved all the degree criteria will be awarded the Brazilian MSc International Marketing & Business Development certificate.

  • Autumn semester electives (Sept - Dec): choose two

    • Managing an Export Project, 2 credits
    • Business Negotiation, 2 credits
    • Research Methods (mandatory for MSc dissertation), 2 credits​

    Suzhou specialisation core (mandatory) :

    • Digital Marketing Project, 2 credits
    • Digital Media, 1 credit​

    Spring semester electives (Jan - April): choose three

    • Persuasive Cross-Cultural Business Communication, 2 credits
    • Graphic Design, 2 credits
    • Perfect Pitch, 2 credits

    Suzhou specialisation core (mandatory)

    • Managing Social Networks & Communities, 2 credits
    • Digital Growth, 2 credits
    • Influencer Marketing, 2 credits 
  • *limited places

    Autumn semester electives (Sept - Dec): choose two

    • Global Digital Marketing, 2 credits
    • Social Media Marketing, 2 credits
    • AI & Data Analytics, 2 credits

    Raleigh specialisation core (mandatory) : 

    • US Culture & Business (new students only), 1 credit
    • Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (returning students only), 1 credit
    • Career Management 1, 1 credit​

    Spring semester electives (Jan - April): choose three

    • Meta Certification, 2 credits
    • Company projects/SKEMA SIM, 2 credits
    • Sales force, 2 credits
    • Marketing Analytics, 2 credits

    Raleigh specialisation core (mandatory) :

    • US Culture & Business, 1 credit
    • Leadership (returning students only), 1 credit
    • Career Management 2, 1 credit

Conditions d'admission

Bienvenue en france
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​​​Année académique 2023/2024


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Une équipe est à votre disposition pour toute demande supplémentaire.


Chargée des Admissions Nationales Postgraduate



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