
How Political Uncertainty Is Slowing Down the French Economy

Faculty and research
SKEMA Centre for Global Risks

Publicado em Dezembro 09, 2024


Laurent Ferrara, Professor of International Economics at SKEMA Business School, examines the economic impact of political instability in France in a recent article on The Conversation. The dissolution of the National Assembly in June 2024, followed by the recent vote of no confidence in December, has heightened uncertainty, hindered foreign investment, and dampened household consumption, the researcher reveals.

In his analysis, Laurent Ferrara highlights how the current political instability is affecting businesses' strategic decisions, leading to a general slowdown in economic activity. Drawing on various indicators, he warns of a downward revision in growth forecasts for 2025 and underscores the urgent need for a clear and stable policy environment. According to the Professor of International Economics, restoring investor and household confidence is crucial to reviving sustainable economic momentum.

Read the full article on The Conversation (In French)

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