
La théorie de la traduction revisitée ou la conduite du changement traduit

Alexandre RENAUD

2010, Management & Avenir, 9(39), pp.283-302


At the end of the 1980’s, Callon and Latour started a new school of thought which is indifferently named, Sociology of Translation, Sociology of Innovation, Translation Theory or Actor Network Theory. The starting point of their work was mostly philosophical and epistemological: they investigated the social construction of science and the emergence of scientific or technical innovations. However, the result of some of their work also appears to be an important change management theory and its full implications have not yet been fully apprehended, particularly in the English language literature. In this article, we show how a purposeful reading of Callon’s famous 1986 article helps us bring forward a mode of change management which does not forget any of the stakeholders whatever their nature. We propose a model of translated change management that appears to be already applied, de facto, in some organizations during mergers. Change is driven to reach what may be perceived as a multiple alignment of stakeholders within an organizational network.