Programmes courts

Programme executive

Embracing digital transformation

Three days - Paris, Lille, Sophia Antipolis

In the context of intensified competition, business ubiquity and user demands, accompanying the digital acceleration of organisations is crucial to remaining competitive.
This three-day module explores the challenges of digitalisation, key practices of digital change and developing transformational skills to stand out in the digital environment.

Informations pratiques
Management, marketing, finance, strategy, business creation

​Any executive who wishes to develop digital transformation knowledge and skills.


Three days


​Sophia Antipolis, Paris and Lille, please contact us


​​€2400  (tax not incl.).



Training programme


This training is organised into various subjects:

    • Key elements of digital cultures and new business models
    • New marketing problematics and the focus on the client experience
    • Key elements of change in the digital era
    • Transformational methodologies
    • Pillars of digital transformation
    • Integrating people tools and processes
    • Communicating through change and the benefits of transmedia storytelling
    • The perceptual filters and challenges of introducing disruptive innovations
    • Managing people through transformations
    • Zoom on the benefits of transmedia
    • Key elements of organisational ambidexterity
    • Managing and integrating innovation
    • Managing resistance to change and defensive routines
    • The role of leadership in digital transformations
    • What’s a change agent?