
L'influenza dei fattori contestuali sull'usabilità  percepita dei terminali mobili


2011, Finanza Marketing Produzione, 1(2011), pp.62-81


This paper investigates the influence of contextual factors on experienced usability of mobile Human-Computer Interactions and provides an alternative perspective relative to the psychological models typically employed in Information Systems literature. We (1) review the relevant literature, (2) build a theoretical framework (3) develop a field-evaluation survey and (4) conclude with a number of recommendations. We developed a quantitative survey (n = 200) where the emerging research model was tested and results compared. Findings show that contextual factors related to device limitations (ergonomics) and task oriented context issues (ease of use and perceived usefulness) influence overall belief about the quality of the experience with the mobile technology (usability) which impacts on subjective satisfaction.