Legal informations
Publisher information
The site, in its entirety, is the property of SKEMA Business School. The site is updated jointly with SKEMA's Communication department. SKEMA Business School is an educational establishment recognised as a higher education institution by the State. It operates under the association Act of 1901 (# W 59 500 85 01). Its registered offices are located at:
Avenue Willy Brandt - 59777 Euralille - France - Phone: +33 (0)3 20 21 59 62.
Publishing director: Jean-Philippe COURTOIS (SKEMA 1983), Chairman of the Board of Directors of SKEMA and President and Co-founder of Live for Good.
The site is optimised to be displayed with a graphic resolution of 1024 x 768, with the latest generation of browsers. Some content requires the use of Adobe Acrobat ReaderTM that can be downloaded. The website has been made by akabia (drupal webagency - jointly with SKEMA.
Photo credits: Lora Barra (
Web design: The SKEMA website has been designed by STUDIO CAD (
Read the SKEMA privacy policy
The or websites contain a number of hypertext links to other websites, set up with the authorisation of SKEMA Business School. However, SKEMA Business School is not able to verify the content of the sites visited, and therefore assumes no responsibility for this fact. Access to all other websites linked to from our websites is at the user's own risk. SKEMA also declines all responsibility for any information contained on third party sites that contain links to the or websites.
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SKEMA does not accept any liability with regard to the content of any website that links to this website. Visiting other sites linked to our websites is at the user’s own risk. SKEMA assumes no responsibility for the information and material displayed on third party sites with links towards our websites.
The data displayed on this website are for your information only, neither its content nor its accuracy can be guaranteed. The displayed information does not bind SKEMA. SKEMA declines all responsibility for any decision taken on behalf of this information. The content of the website is subject to change at any time without notice.
SKEMA can in no way be held liable for direct or indirect damage caused by the use of this website, or the inability of a third party to use it, or a malfunction or interruption or virus resulting from access to or use of this site.
The current site is a work whose author is SKEMA according to the article L.111.1 and following articles of the French Intellectual Property body of law. The photographs, written content, mottos, drawings, pictures, motion pictures as well as all works integrated in this website are the property of SKEMA or the third party that allowed SKEMA to use them. Reproductions, on paper or electronically, and all the works of the website is authorised on condition that it is reserved strictly for personal use precluding advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes complies with article L 122-5 of the French Intellectual Property body of law. With the exception of the above provisions, all reproductions, representations, uses or modifications by any means whatsoever and on any support whatsoever of all or part of this site, of all or part of the different works making it up, without having obtained the prior authorisation of SKEMA, are strictly forbidden and constitute an offense of infringement of copyright.
All brands cited or used on the website are the property of their respective owners. PRINCE2® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. AgilePM® and AgilePgM® are registered trademarks of Dynamic Systems Development Method Ltd. All rights reserved.”
To remain protected against any attempt at fraudulent transfers and payments, we ask you to be particularly vigilant and remind you that:
- Transfers must be made exclusively to the bank accounts mentioned on our websites, registration applications or registration agreements by using your (identification) number.
- Cheques must be made payable to SKEMA Business School, with your ID mentioned on the back of the cheque, and sent to the following postal address:
SKEMA Business School - Financial Department
Willy Brandt Avenue 59777 Euralille – France
In case you have a query, please send an email to
In accordance with Article L. 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, the consumer, subject to Article L. 612-2 of the French Consumer Code, has the option to request an amicable resolution through mediation, within a period of less than one year from their written complaint to the professional.
SKEMA BUSINESS SCHOOL has designated, by registration under the number 15789/VM/2501, the SAS Médiation Solution as the consumer mediation entity.
To contact the mediator, the consumer must submit their request:
- Either in writing to: Sas Médiation Solution - 222 chemin de la bergerie 01800 Saint Jean de Niost
- Or by email to:
- Or by filling out the online form titled "Saisir le médiateur" on the website
Regardless of the method of submission used, the request must include:
- The postal, telephone, and electronic contact details of the applicant
- The name, address, and registration number with Sas Médiation Solution of the concerned professional
- A brief description of the facts
- A copy of the prior complaint
- All documents required for processing the request (order form, invoice, proof of payment, etc.)