Corporate analysis and publications


Innovation and impact

We are convinced that the two are inextricably linked. That's our objective: to give you access to the testimonies of professionals on key challenges, backed up by the work of our researchers.

Our ambition is to create an exclusive network for our collaboration in order to better share ideas and professional practices, to create new knowledge together, and to hybridise and disseminate the knowledge of tomorrow.​

Together :

  • Let's take the initiative of debates to better anticipate the changes of a world in transition,
  • Let's build a community and inspire each other to create new ideas,
  • Let us coach responsible and multicultural managers and entrepreneurs,
  • Let's redesign inclusive and sustainable societal models.​

Glimpse, another perspective on business

The objective: to give you access to insights from professionals on a relevant topic, enriched by the work of our researchers. Society, technology, economy, environment... The perspectives intersect and complement each other, bringing forth valuable lessons and inspiring your reflections.

Explore Glimpse


Talent Barometer​

Young people, often referred to as Generation Z, have becom​e a real stu​dy subject. In collaboration with EY and Opinionway, we wanted to gain a better understanding of what young talent expects from the professional world.


Thematic content​

Exclusive content on your challenges, combining sharing experien​ces and SKEMA faculty points of view. We offer you cross-conversations to contribute to a reflexive look but al​so methodological approaches to enlighten actions and develop best practices.

Artificial intelligence: data and people

"Regards croisés" : A SKEMA business Hub dossier

See more

Management in the 21st century: a major art

How do you lead in a world in transition ?

See more

SKEMA Business Day

An annual half-day event organised exclusively for SKEMA Business Hub members, on the SKEMA Grand Paris campus, designed as a privileged moment of exchange and thinking between peers around key topics.

A look back at our previous events:


Conferences, talks and think tanks​​

Attend events organised by SKEMA AI School for Business and SKEMA Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, available here.

SKEMA ThinkForward​

SKEMA ThinkForward is a knowledge-sharing medium where experts and professors of SKEMA Business School share their knowledge and pedagogical practices. It aims to provide keys for understanding an increasingly complex world and is intended to be a place of inspiration for students, partners and employees.
Discover SKEMA ThinkForward.