
SKEMA's strategy is detailed in a strategic plan called "SKY25" (SKEMA Years 2020-2025)​. The school's development over 2020-2025 is guided by the three axes that structure this plan.


Axis 1: To become The Avant-Garde School

SKEMA wishes to impose a resolutely innovative education model to better understand the expectations of students and companies. To experiment, anticipate, break new ground and thus project and deploy its mission. In this perspective, SKEMA will:

  • Develop a "proprietary" educational model, the SKEMA Way of Learning (SKWol)
  • Become a "comprehensive" institution by opening new schools:
    • SKEMA AI School for Business
    • SKEMA Law School for Business
    • SKEMA Design School for Business
    • SKEMA School of Geopolitics for Business
  • Create value using artificial intelligence through the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Centre in Montreal, Canada.
Florencio Lopez De Silanes, professor-researcher in economics and finance, associate dean for academic research strategy, talks about the objectives of the axis "The Avant-Garde School" of SKEMA's 2020-2025 strategic plan.
Prudential opposite Salinas I'm a
professor of Finance and the Dean of
Academic strategy here at schema
Business School I spend most of my time
doing research teaching about it and
applying into the real world so that we
can have an impact on society
in a globalized and competitive economy
we can observe that the sector the
higher education sector and the research
sector they are going through a massive
change with the arrival of new entrants
in this context what we are observing is
that in fact there's a lot of action and
evolution in the way we teach in the
morals and the format in which we teach
in the valorisation of research as well
as in the way business schools are
trying to have an impact on society in
this context by deliberately seeking to
be on the forefront the avant-garde a
schema defense a humanistic educational
project that is trying to bring science
and society together in an international
dialogue at an international scale ok
this is a strategic priority for schema
for the 2025 horizon schema is committed
to training talents that are capable of
questioning the current practices and
also supporting ok these trans issues
that the young generations of today must
face in a globalised challenging world
let me talk to you about the schema way
of learning in the last 10 years it is
true the schema has developed portfolio
of programs that is now recognized my
friends rankings as well as rankings
abroad like the Financial Times whatever
is clear to us is at expectations of the
younger generation I change in a
dramatic space and therefore this means
that we need to be able to transform the
way we teach the younger generation so
that we can match the development the
technological developments that we are
observing schema aims to be at the
forefront the avant-garde again
therefore were currently in the middle
of rethinking our teaching our learning
system by forging a proprietary
educational model we believe that by
2025 there will be we will have
consolidated this model and there will
be enough recognition of the more schema
way of learning of the model ok by our
stakeholders like students or companies
or businesses as well as by other higher
education and institutions and research
centers around the world
in particular with the hybridization of
programs schema will create new methods
new knowledge combining disciplines such
as Ethics law and finance these
disciplines are getting closer and
closer together as they try to solve the
multi-dimensional problems of our
leadership innovation and definitely

Axis 2: Acting as The Impactful Player

SKEMA seeks to make students and learners the "authors" of their pathways, of the transitions to be made to shape the environment in which they evolve and guide both their professional project and their pathway - while integrating a vision of citizenship. To meet this challenge, the school will rely on three dimensions:

  • A 100% hybridisation of programmes and specialisations to challenge complexity.
  • Research enhancement mechanisms to create value.
  • Awareness and reflection on societal impact by involving managers and students. SKEMA will initiate a think tank named "SKEMA Publika", dedicated to issues of strategy and influence. SKEMA Ventures will incubate and finance student projects with a strong social impact.
Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné, professor-researcher in economics and CSR, shares the objectives of the axis "The Impactful Player" of SKEMA's 2020-2025 strategic plan.
I hold a PhD from Yale University in the
United States for over 30 years I've
been working in Canada in the u.s. in
Europe and also Latin America in
universities and non university
institutions my fields of expertise are
the social and environmental
responsibility of firms global
governance and innovation the matter is
to contribute as much as possible to the
progress of society in order to achieve
this a higher education institution like
schema must revise and reform perhaps
its education programs its scientific
production its involvement in social
debates and of course its internal
management in order to implement and
convey a humanistic and responsible
vision of the firm the firm of the 21st
century will be a flexible purpose
corporation what this means is that it
will have to incorporate in its
management its strategic and operational
decisions its product a vision that
promotes humanistic and sustainability
principles that go much beyond strict
compliance with laws and regulations or
standard business models this requires
an appropriate business culture
appropriate also business models and
especially well-trained managers that
will know how to promote and convey
those principles in action
we are just beginning of course one
concrete project we have in the very
short run is to incorporate in our
programs in teaching a certification of
ethical competence in the development
and use of artificial intelligence
concretely right now there is the
hackathon positive impact competition
it's a competition focused on social
entrepreneurship and innovation with
positive impact takes place every year
in early September it lasts a few days
and brings together students for all
from all three French campuses those
students are schema students or
engineering students from our partners
the last edition was precisely about
sustainable development and climate
if I had to summarize everything in
three key words they would be education
and society agents of change become a

Axis 3: Positioning ourselves as The Glocal Institution

In line wi​th its successful global strategy, SKEMA is embarking on a decisive transformation of its organisation, institutional ​framework and infrastructure, as well as its professions, tools and learning cultures. Through this, it aims to support the school's education and research model in an integrated and sustainable manner. Here, three levers will be implemented:

  • The opening of new regional campuses - hubs.
  • The transformation of the organisation to ensure its sustainability and agility, which will mobilise all staff and stakeholders.

The promotion of new models of higher education for sustainable societies, notably through the launch of the Higher Education for Good Foundation.

Raluca Sandu, professor-researcher, associate dean of the Globalisation Academy, talks about the objectives of "The Glocal Institution" axis of SKEMA's 2020-2025 strategic plan.
I'm Raju cassandra associate dean of the
Academy globalization at schema Business
School I'm an associate professor of
accounting and performance management
and I carry my research on sociological
and geopolitical aspects of accounting
the glocal institution provides the
institutional structure and the culture
of our current transformation the stakes
are high
giving strategic and financial
independence to our actions developing
ecosystems that creates value in our
regional hubs on various continents and
helping to transform professions
infrastructures and cultures when
leveraging this very ambitious project
the evolution of our structure
governance and organization are the keys
of the current shift in order to connect
performance with purpose we are creating
new transversal processes and we are
including an innovative integrated
thinking approach in order to understand
to engage and to communicate our
sustainable value creation model this
major transformation supports our
responsible and engaged governance it
also provides a very efficient framework
for developing new projects and new
partnerships in order to sustain our
societal mission in education
well I would say independence ecosystems
and transformation but it can also be
about responsibility about hubs
diversity integration the field is Mike