
Recent qualitative advances on hybrid organizations: Taking stock, looking ahead


2012, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28(2), pp.149-161


Where does the study of hybrids stand at present? Through a review of existing research, this paper provides a number of contributions to the literature on inter-organizational relations, or hybrids. For one, basing ourselves on the traditional theories used in the study of hybrids, we propose an integrative definition and classification of hybrids. We classify explanations of the formation, functioning and implications of hybrids using agency theory, property rights theory, transaction cost economics and the resource-based view. For another, based on a review of recent qualitative studies on hybrids, we extend our classification to include the more recent theories used in the study of hybrids. These recent studies combine the traditional theories on hybrids with network and evolutionary theories, and literature on strategy and trust. Our review also provides new insights on the dynamics and environment of hybrids, and suggests avenues for future research.