
‘You’ll never tweet alone’: Managing sports brands through social media

brand management
brand attributes
professional sport
fan responses
social media
P. Parganas ,
C. Anagnostopoulos ,

2015, Journal of Brand Management, 22(7), pp.551-568


The emergence of social media has had a profound impact on the way companies communicate and connect with their customers. Indeed, brands across different industries have started utilizing social media as part of their marketing strategies. However, the way in which businesses using social media for branding purposes has been limited. This study aims to address the abovementioned gap by drawing on the professional sports industry. Employing a case study approach, the study analyzes the use of Twitter by a professional football organization in order to examine brand attributes (both product-related and non-product-related) and their relation to Twitter’s key engagement features (Reply, Retweet, Favorite). The results extend the current knowledge base of social media brand management in the sports industry, while offering significant insights for practitioners as far as the interaction of online followers to the communicated brand attributes is concerned.