
Debating society to stage oratory contest, March

Published on March 02, 2022


PourParlers, SKEMA's debating society, is holdng its "Prix Cicero" contest on 22 and 29 March at the Lille and Grand Paris campuses. During this exercise in oration, SKEMA students will get the chance to speak on pre-decided topics and those of their own choice.

​The Cicero contest, which is staged every year by PourParlers, enables trainee rhetoricians to speak on a chosen or pre-decided topic before a jury of professors and SKEMA students. "It's a competition we want to open to all students of every level," says PourParlers president Baptiste Koreta. The first rounds will be organised at the Grand Paris and Lille campuses on 14 March. For each round, five students will be selected by a jury of students from the two campuses.

Final in Lille on 29 March

During these auditions, contestants have to speak on a subject of their choice for five minutes in front of a student jury. The semi-final will be held at the Grand Paris campus on 22 March and the final on 29 March at the Lille campus. "The final involves the four participants speaking on complex subjects for six minutes. As in other years, the jury will be made up of SKEMA professors like Frédéric Munier and Isabelle Bufflier, as well as key figures from outside," says Baptiste Koreta.