Short courses

Programme executive

Leading high-performing remote teams2


Managing remote and/or mobile teams leads to a paradoxical situation calling for both autonomy and control. How can managers create the right conditions for team engagement, motivation and initiative? How can they simultaneously manage activities and work on individual and team performance? What approach should they take, which communication channels should they use, and what management rituals should they implement? By providing a thorough understanding of motivation levers and communication mechanisms, this course will give you the experience and tools to become an effective manager-as-coach, as well as improve your confidence and your impact on individual and team performance.

Practical information
Team efficiency
Target audience

​Team leaders, managers, directors.


​2 days


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Training programme

    • The image you project: form/content impact of what is perceived, the balance between the rational and the emotional
    • Synchronous/asynchronous communication and its impact on your dealings with others
    • The three circles of self-awareness
    • The pitfalls and opportunities of the first impression
    • Key techniques for initiating dialogue
    • Being open to others: adapting and listening
    • Practical exercises using guided improvisations
    • Become proficient in active listening and questioning techniques
    • The main contributions of NLP: ego states, life positions, limiting messages, signs of recognition (positive/negative strokes)
    • The levers and tools for effective communication and getting your message across
    • Approaching and dealing with change
    • Learn the process and steps involved in setting a goal
    • Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones
    • The conditions and tools for interactivity: best practices and tools to encourage people to speak up, participate, put into practice
    • Create the conditions for the 3 dimensions of motivation: Autonomy Mastery - Purpose
    • Use coaching tools and techniques to help your team evolve
    • Clarify concepts and learn what constitutes good feedback
    • Develop your emotional intelligence
    • Manage a tense and/or conflictual situation using non-violent communication (ACA method)
    • Assertiveness: use the DESC method and the keys to get your point across and convince.


No specific prerequisites.