

Assistant Professor

Droits Humains, Travailleurs immigrants, Refugiers, Responsabilité des entreprises pour les droits humains, Sensemaking, Framing analysis, Human rights education in business schools




Research center

SKEMA Centre for Sustainability Studies


Sophia Antipolis


Law & Humanities

Dr Samentha Goethals is Assistant Professor in Business and Society at SKEMA Business School. She holds a PhD in Politics from Oxford Brookes University. She has developed an interdisciplinary research profile combining perspectives from socio-legal, global governance and organization studies that reflect her experience in both policy and advocacy work and academic research in the field of Business and Human Rights. Her research focuses on the meaning and translation of human rights in business organizations, the responsibility of business in contexts of forced migration including regarding the protection and integration of refugees, and human rights education in business schools. She has worked with several British Non-Governmental Organizations in the field of Business and Human Rights and co-authored several policy reports based on fieldwork in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Turkey and Jordan. Her recent article ‘Migrant Workers’ ‘Rights-Talk’ in the British Hospitality Sector’ was awarded the 2019 Best Paper by the Business and Human Rights Journal.

Ph.D. in Politics, Oxford Brookes University, Great Britain
Master in International Law and Interntional Relations, Oxford Brookes University, Great Britain
BA in International Relations with Religion, Culture and Ethics, Oxford Brookes University, Great Britain
Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Full-time academic positions
Since 2024
Visiting Faculty, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Since 2023
Visiting Faculty, Global Campus of Human Rights, Italy
Since 2022
Visiting Faculty, University of Seville, Spain
Since 2020
Assistant Professor, SKEMA Business School, France
Visiting Faculty, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
2017 - 2020
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Oxford Brookes University, Great Britain
Other professional experiences
Since 2021
Book Review Editor Business and Human Rights Journal, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain
2016 - 2017
Senior Researcher, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, Great Britain
2015 - 2016
Researcher and policy analyst (Consultant), Amnesty International, Great Britain
2007 - 2015
Researcher and Policy Analyst, RAID - Rights and Accountability in Development, Great Britain
2005 - 2012
Teacher of English and Literacy, Oxford Community School, Great Britain
Research grants, Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
2019 Best Article Awards, Business and Human Rights Journal
Postgraduate Taught to Postgraduate Research Prize in IR, Politics and Sociology
Prize for outstanding contribution to the course
Westminster Institute Prize for best undergraduate student in Religion and Theology, Westminster Institute
Ruth Cornwall-Jones Memorial Prize for excellent work in Religion and Theology, Ruth Cornwall-Jones Memorial
Other research activities
Springer Book Series
Business and Human Rights Journal
Reviewer for:
Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Organization
Organization of a conference or a research seminar
Guest lecture and workshop for European Master on Democracy and Human Rights, Global Campus of Human Rights , Italy
Guest lecture - Implementing human rights in business, for visiting students from West Virginia University, West Virginia University, Switzerland
The Impact of Business and Society Scholarship and Teaching Symposium 2023 IABS Annual Meeting, University of Bath, Great Britain
Since 2020
Colloquium: Modern Slavery: Any of Your Business Education?, SKEMA Business School, France
Business & Human Rights Research Workshop, Switzerland
Cumberland Lodge Colloquium 24-25 September 2017, London : Social Cohesion in Times of Uncertainty, Great Britain
PhD Supervision
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
C. CLAUDIA MACAVEIU, Oxford Brookes University, PhD thesis, Thesis co-director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
SKEMA Business School, Post-graduate dissertation, Thesis director
Other academic activities
Since 2024
AOM Mentor for early career researchers and global south scholars in Business and Human Rights, Academy of Management Meeting, United States of America
Since 2024
Book co-editor
Workshop at Summer School Business and Human Rights in Practice, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , Germany
GBSN-ILO-GSEM Workshop to develop a pedagogical tool on fair recruitment of migrant workers for business school, International Labour Organization, Switzerland
Since 2023
Governance Committee Teaching Business and Human Rights Forum, Teaching Business and Human Rights ForumTeaching Business and Human Rights Forum, United States of America
2022 - 2025
Member of Ethics Committee, Horizon Europe Project REBALANCE, University of Pisa, Italy
Since 2022
Master thesis jury committee, European Masters in Democracy and Human Rights, Global Campus of Human Rights, Italy
Member of consortium for DILIGENCE EU MSCA Industrial Doctoral Training Grant Application, SKEMA Business School, France
Member of consortium for PARADIGM, EU HORIZON 2022 Grant Application, SKEMA Business School, France
Since 2022
Visiting Fellow, Dept of Law, University of Seville, Spain
Since 2022
Comite de Pilotage Academie 5, Universite Cote D'Azur, Université Côte d'Azur, France
Since 2021
Book Review Editor
Since 2021
From Research to Action on Human trafficking, Forced labour and Child Labour, Grant reviewer, International Labour Organization, Switzerland
2021 - 2023
Membre du COPIL, Académie 5, Université Cote d'Azur, Université Côte d'Azur, France
Since 2020
Visiting Fellow, Oxford Brookes University, Great Britain
Since 2020
Member of founding committee, Higher Education for Good Foundation, SKEMA Business School, France
Since 2019
Associate Fellow, Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment, Portugal

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Conference proceedings

Book chapters

Book reviews

Conference presentations

Faculty research seminar presentations

Press and social media