


Supply chain management, organization and management of operations for large and small firms, Problem solving of managerial issues affecting the efficiency and profitability of operations of both inbound and outbound logistics and as well as information processes, Information Systems applied to logistics and supply chain management, distribution, Blockchain, risque météorologique




Research center

SKEMA Centre for Analytics and Management Science




Analytics Information & Operations

Xavier Brusset holds a PhD in Management Science from the Louvain Catholic University and an Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense university. He has been teaching Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Toulouse Business School, ESSCA and now SKEMA since 2009. His research focuses on the relationship between the supply chain partners and the impact of information on their behavior, More recently he has studied the influence of abnormal weather on consumer sales, the possible uses of Blockchain in the supply chain as well as the impact of COVID on supply chains. His findings have been published in academic journals. He edited and co-authored a textbook about business cases in distribution. Previously, Xavier also worked in financial markets and created in Argentina a web-based platform of information sharing and logistic services between shippers and carriers (WebLogistix). Every year, he organizes or co-organizes a Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR). He is a recognised expert assessing the European Union in CINEA research projects (transport, climate change, logistics). He is on the editorial board of the journal Logistics Research.

HDR in Management Science, Université Paris Nanterre, France
Doctorate in Supply Chain Management, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
DEA, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Full-time academic positions
Since 2016
Professor in Supply Chain, SKEMA Business School, France
2015 - 2016
Professor in Purchasing and Supply Chain, Toulouse Business School, France
2009 - 2015
Associate Professor in Purchasing and Supply Chain & In charge of the Master 2 in Achats et Supply Chain Management, ESSCA School of Management, France
Other academic affiliations and appointments
Since 2017
Director of the PRISM Research Centre, SKEMA Business School, France
2017 - 2019
Program Director - Master of Science in Supply Chain Management and Purchasing, SKEMA Business School, France
Other professional experiences
2007 - 2009
Project Manager, TransLogisTIC, Belgium
2000 - 2002
Co-Founder & Marketing/Sales Manager, WebLogistix, Argentina
1997 - 2000
Sales Representative, PERAX, AREAL, Argentina
1995 - 1997
Money Market fund Manager, Banque Française du Commerce Extérieur, France
1994 - 1995
Fixed Income strategist, Société Générale, France
1992 - 1994
Futures broker, Paine Webber France, France
1987 - 1992
Interest rate futures broker, X. Dupont F.Denant Stockmarket broker, France
Other research activities
Senior or Associate Editor
2022 - 2023
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Editorial Board Member
2022 - 2023
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Reviewer for:
International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operational Research, Production Planning and Control, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Operations Research, Systèmes d'Information et Management, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, International Journal of Production Research, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Organization of a conference or a research seminar
2021 - 2022
Organizing international conference, SKEMA Business School, France
PhD Supervision
V. CAPOCASALE, PhD thesis, Thesis Reviewer
R. ALKHUDARY, Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, PhD thesis, Thesis co-director
Other academic activities
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Belgium
Expert evaluation of European Project, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Belgium
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Belgium

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Conference proceedings

Book chapters

Keynote speaker

Guest editor of a journal special issue

Editorials of a journal

Books and book editor

Conference presentations

Faculty research seminar presentations