
Need for Uniqueness and Word of Mouth in Disruptive Innovation Adoption: The Context of Self-Quantification

Consumer value
disruptive innovation
Internet of Things
smart object
word of mouth
Patricia Baudier ,
Damien Renard ,
Alexander BREM

2023, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(6), pp.2006 - 2016


People can now monitor and quantify their daily life activities through quantified-self products, such as self-tracking devices. These types of products are invading the market, and the reasons for their adoption must be understood. Word of mouth (WOM) plays a crucial role in the adoption of disruptive innovations. In line with the literature, this article demonstrates that quantified-self products are disruptive innovations that have distinct antecedents explaining why individuals use WOM. Hence, this article examines the need for uniqueness (NFU) and perceived values as drivers of satisfaction that in turn impact WOM. Data from a sample of 496 actual users of self-tracking devices were collected through an online survey. The results emphasize the positive impact of the NFU on satisfaction through utilitarian and hedonic values. We propose theoretical and managerial insights and suggest that companies must adopt a new perspective on disruptive innovations, particularly related to satisfaction and WOM, by considering the variables proposed in the research model.