
Réinventer le management stratégique à  partir d'une approche prospective : le cas du Groupe La Poste


2008, Management & Avenir, 17(3), pp.142-148


Re-designing strategic management with a prospective approach : the case of Groupe La Poste. The purpose of this article is to feature relevance of a prospective process to formulate a strategic content exceeding certain dichotomies (micro / macro...). But taking into account the interest of researchers for the strategy as practice perspective, the prospective approach is able to go beyond : the engineering of the prospective processes can involve different categories of actors and generate new management practices. Consequently, the prospective approaches are both effective to lower uncertainty and direct strategy beyond imitation, and give sense to actors’ actions because of a refl exive posture. This article presents a project carried out for the Groupe La Poste. This project rely on the so-called "prospective du present" methodology and is featured by organizational arrangements which are valuable for the recent research named as strategy-as-practice(s), strategizing or in French "la fabrique de la stratégie".