
Arnaud Lacheret's new book provides insightful analysis on North African descendants in France

Published on September 18, 2023


SKEMA Professor Arnaud Lacheret holds a doctorate in political science and has been supervising research (HDR) in this field since 2023. He is a member of both the SKEMA Centre for Global Risks and the school’s Globalisation Academy. He has recently released a sociology book titled "Les Intégrés", published by Le Bord de l'Eau. In this work, the author challenges stereotypes and preconceived notions about the integration of North African descendants in France, offering new perspectives and insightful analysis.

​​SKEMA Professor Arnaud Lacheret holds a doctorate in political science and has been supervising research (HDR) in this field since 2023. He is a member of both the SKEMA Centre for Global Risks and the school’s Globalisation Academy. He has recently released a sociology book titled "Les Intégrés", published by Le Bord de l'Eau. In this work, the author challenges stereotypes and preconceived notions about the integration of North African descendants in France, offering new perspectives and insightful analysis.

Arnaud​ has also authored three other books, all of which focus on the Arab-Muslim world and culture. His expertise in political science has given him an influential voice in the debate on integration and diversity in France. With "Les Intégrés", a book based on a series of interviews with 70 integrated descendants of North African immigrants in French society, he proposes a complete redefinition of the concept of integration. Through these testimonials, he illustrates the remarkable rise of this second generation to managerial and supervisory positions in the professional realm.

A definite succ​ess

The author demonstrates that the integration of North African descendants is, to a certain extent, a success in France. This observation, rarely mentioned in political discourse, is supported by real testimonies and in-depth analyses.

Learn more about Les Intégrés.

Other books by Arnaud Lacheret:

Femmes, managers, musulmanes, une intégration à la française
La femme est l’avenir du Golfe : ce que la modernité arabe dit de nous
Les territoires gagnés de la République?

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