
Think Éducation & Recherche: Alice Guilhon to debate the prospects of a French training team

Published on February 05, 2024

Think Éducation & Recherche: Alice Guilhon to debate the prospects of a French training team

The upcoming edition of Think Éducation & Recherche, scheduled for 7 and 8 February, 2024, at Sorbonne University (Pierre and Marie Curie campus), will revolve around the theme "Performance in Higher Education and Research: Time for a Paradigm Shift?". Alice Guilhon, dean and executive president of SKEMA Business School and president of the Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises de Management (CDEFM), will participate in the debate titled "Is a French training team possible?".

​​​Organised by the News Tank group and the Campus Matin magazine, Think Éducation & Recherche aims to highlight innovations in the education sector and discuss current challenges while providing networking opportunities. This year, the discussions will focus on the collaboration between public and private sectors, performance expectations, the role of the state, and the challenges for educational stakeholders.


Is a Frenc​​h training team possible?


Alice Guilhon will contribute to these exchanges by participating in a debate about the "French training team", exploring the possibilities of increased synergy between higher education institutions. She will share her views with Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson (general administrator of Cnam), Martin Hirsch (executive vice-president of Galileo Global Education), and Lynne Franjié (director of the Training Evaluation Department at Hcéres).


Key information: "Parallel Debates", February 8, Sorbonne University, Pierre and Marie Curie campus, 11:45 am.