SKEMA Centre for Global Risks

​The SKEMA Centre for Global Risks gather researchers who share a common interest in analysing not only the challenges created by global risks but also the opportunities that they may generate. 


The SKEMA Centre for Global Risks gather researchers who share a common interest in analysing not only the challenges created by global risks but also the opportunities that they may generate. An interdisciplinary perspective is adopted by acknowledging that different, but related, disciplines complement each other. The topics covered by the SKEMA Centre for Global Risks are related to crucial macro-issues such as geopolitics, macroeconomics, international finance, economic development, political transitions, climate change, biodiversity, pandemics, international law, technological development, megaprojects, social change, and decision-making under uncertainty.

Beyond promoting high-quality teaching and academic research, the SKEMA Centre for Global Risks is determined to engage in various forms of knowledge exchange with all stakeholders (i.e. students, private sector, public sector, general public ). Jointly with SKEMA School of Geopolitics, it organises an annual SKEMA Global Risks summits, monthly conferences, and executive education interventions. Its members regularly intervene in popular medias. The SKEMA Centre for Global Risks is also developing an original quantitative indicator of geopolitical risk, leveraging the two forces of AI and Big Data.

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Faculty and Research Team