
Qing Mu

Grande Ecole / Master in Management
Qing Mu

I am now in the second year of the Grand Ecole programme. I think SKEMA is not only a school where we learn theoretical and practical things but namely a place where we enjoy fully our student life. Firstly, the academic programme at school is very flexible; the school offers a large array of choices so that students may choose the ones which suit them best. Personally, I spent my first year in Sophia Antipolis and I did a three-month internship over the summer in a French company. After the first semester in Sophia this year, I plan to do another internship in China for eight months, then I will go to the campus in Paris or Lille in my final year, and –why not– to the campus in the US. Secondly, student life here is very dynamic, there are many student societies, and we can take part in the organisation of events or projects. Personally, I work for the AISEC association to promote the international internship programme, and it is excellent experience because I work in a great team and I really feel like I’m part of something here. Finally, at SKEMA, we feel more like collaborators than simply students; we feel that our opinions really matter in the running of the school.

Last testimonials

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