
Guojun HE

Assistant Professor

Consumer Culture Theory, Sociology, Antropology: Material Culture Studies




Research center

Marketing Interactions





Dr. He spent half a decade in England, where he earned his MSc and MRes degrees from the School of Management, University of Bath. He then moved to Canada, enjoyed the Canadian winter there for over five years and earned his PhD degree from HEC Montreal. Now, serving as an Assistant Professor in Marketing, Dr. He finds France his beloved home, and SKEMA his cherished professional-family.

Ph.D. in Marketing, HEC Montréal, Canada
MRes Management within Marketing, University of Bath School of Management, Great Britain
MSc Management in Marketing, University of Bath School of Management, Great Britain
Full-time academic positions
Since 2020
Assistant Professor in Marketing, SKEMA Business School, France
Other academic affiliations and appointments
2019 - 2020
Adjunct Professor in Marketing, Bishop's University, Canada
2017 - 2020
Lecturer in Marketing, HEC Montréal, Canada
2015 - 2018
Research Associate, HEC Montréal, Canada
Research grants, Awards and Honors
Awards and Honors
Research Travel Grants, HEC Montréal
Other research activities
Reviewer for:
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Business Research
Organization of a conference or a research seminar
Co-Chair for Roundtable Session, The Association of Asian Studies, United States of America
Other academic activities
Since 2024
Review Committee, Academy of Marketing Science, United States of America
Since 2024
Panel Member of SKEMA DBA Proposal, SKEMA Business School, France
Since 2023
Reviewer for the book "Literature, Religion and Humanities Cross-cultural Processes in Modern China"
Since 2020
Review Committee, The Association for Consumer Research, United States of America
2020 - 2021
Reviewer for the book "Consumer Culture Theory in Asia: History and Contemporary Issues". (eds. Minowa, Y. & Belk, R.)
2020 - 2021
Reviewer for the book "The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption". (eds. Llamas, R. & Belk, R.)
Since 2019
Review Committee, American Marketing Association, United States of America
Since 2017
Review Committee, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Canada

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Conference proceedings

Book chapters

Conference presentations