
CPGE: Alice Guilhon will be the guest of Campus Matin for a webinar on 18 September

The school

Published on September 16, 2024


Organised in partnership with SKEMA Business School, Campus Matin will host a webinar on the “New Challenges Facing CPGE” at the start of the 2024 academic year. Alice Guilhon, Dean and Executive President of SKEMA, will discuss this topic with other higher education professionals.

This webinar will be an opportunity to explore the latest data published by the Commission for the Evaluation of Training and Diplomas (CEFDG). The report from this body highlights the necessary changes in curricula to address the challenges posed by the ecological and digital transitions. These transformations are essential to adapt student training to a rapidly changing world, where the skills required are constantly evolving.


Communication and institutional image: what levers to attract talent?

The webinar will also address how young people perceive institutional communication campaigns. Authenticity, transparency, and social and environmental responsibility are criteria increasingly valued by students. Schools must, therefore, adapt their messaging to align with the concerns of the generations they aim to attract.



• Introduction: Mathilde Gollety, President of the CEFDG
• Alice Guilhon, Dean and Executive President of SKEMA Business School
• Alain Joyeux, President of the Association of Teachers of Economic and Commercial Classes (Aphec)
• Quentin Leroux, President of the Association for the Promotion of Technology Option Preparatory Classes and Professor in Economic and Commercial CPGE at Lycée Les Bruyères in Sotteville-lès-Rouen

