SKEMA Centre for Analytics and Management Science

Researchers advance the state-of-the-art to help managers improve the performance of their firms using analytics, data science, mathematical modelling, operations research, project management, and computational science.​

Xavier Brusset

Researchers advance the state-of-the-art to help managers improve the performance of their firms using analytics, data science, mathematical modelling, operations research, project management, and computational science. Researchers' mission is also to educate students and to assist faculty members in understanding and applying advanced techniques in management of organizations related to functional areas of business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, law, and operations.​

Xavier Brusset

Head of SKEMA Centre for Analytics and Management Science​

Research themes

Blockchain usage in supply chains to improve security, traceability, trust, and coordination between chain partners and the consumers.

Green supply chains : reducing the carbon footprint of logistic networks, circular and reverse chains.

Hospital and emergency room scheduling: improving the efficient usage of costly resources under stochastic demand.

Scheduling in projects of scarce or costly assets under availability constraints.

Optimization under constraints and various goals in stochastic environments.

Explaining and using Machine Learning to increase managerial control.

Mathematical Economics and Quantitative Finance with particular attention to economic growth modelling, sustainable growth, and portfolio management.

Mathematical Imaging with a strong focus on feature extraction, image classification, image denoising.

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Faculty and Research Team